Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Some of the Fechenbach family born in April.

Noe, born 11th April 1859, in Würzburg, son of Lazarus and Jetta Fechenbach, married Rosalie Weikersheimer from Gaukttnigshofen. did three year's active military service in the cavalry. Later on he ran the bakery in Mergenthelm. Rosalie died in April 1935 and Noe on 24th November 1935. Both ill-fated parents were spared the further worry over their other sons. Moritz died on 24th December 1939 in Berlin. Max, the seriously disabled soldier, survived the concentration camp and Jacob, who was deaf and dumb, was murdered in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in 1940. Other April births include, Auguste, born 28th September 1862, married Samuel Ldffel and moved to Augsburg. Abraham, born 4th April 1865, was for years a gymnastic demonstrator and teacher in Mergentheim's gymnastics club. He served as a soldier for two years and settled down as a baker in Mergenthelm. Therese, born 14th April 1867, married Morltz Ettlinger and moved to Karlsruhe.

Buy Only German April 1933

The boycott of Jews was called for Saturday 1st April 1933. It was represented as a defensive action against the Jewish pests among the population, who, according to the government, were conducting a gruesome propaganda war against Germany.

April 1910 Hermann leaves school to start his apprenticeship

Hermann Fechenbach was allowed to leave school on 1st April 1910 to take up his first apprentice position. His father's parting words where, "Whoever does not hold out through his apprentice time will be a failure all his life".